Friday, January 20, 2012

God is Love - Forever & Always

Recently, life has been very hard for me. A lot of things are changing. I was frustrated by this kind of life. So, I prayed to God and asked Him to show me His love and mercy. Although I never doubt, I still hope to see some signs or symbols.

Today, one of the girls on my team had a problem understanding what Mary was teaching since she is still too young. So I took her into the hall so I could explain it to her more, and we talked with some of the staff. When I held her hand and explained things to her, I realized how big & deep the love of God is. Even if life is hard sometimes, I have to remember that God is holding my hand. And later, when the girl looked up to me, I instantly realized that the presence of God never leaves me. All I have to do is just look up, and I'm going to see the Almighty God gently smiling at me, and saying "I love you, and I will be will here for you."

Peter Chiang 

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