Thursday, January 19, 2012

An Encounter with God.

Today is Wednesday, our second day of CI's in Taiwan. It has been the best day of my trip so far. The best day because God met me in so many special ways. Here are a few examples:
-During quiet time, I was really wrestling with God that He would show me how to be a good assistant, and to love the kids because He loves them. God gave me such a peace about it, and the evening went so much better than last night.
-One of our student assistants, Peggy, showed initiative and helped her teammates many times without being asked.
-I spent some extra time with one of the students, and she really responded and wanted me to help her instead of my interpreter, even with the language barrier and I didn't understand much what she said. 
-Our team leader was showing good leadership skills and keeping the kids attention. It made it easier for me to follow his example and be a good assistant.

I'm thanking God for showing Himself strong to me, and trusting many more days will go as well as it did today.

Esther Strickler 

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