Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Happy Feet

The morning sun shone down with perfect clarity on the first day I awoke in Taiwan. Alas, the curtain in front of my window prohibited me from viewing the breathtaking splendor…but none-the less, it was there. As my eyes opened and focused on my dark surroundings, the knowledge that I was back home in Taiwan hit me with the force of a freight train. My mind scrambled to catch up as I tried to recall how I had gotten here…ah yes…the plane ride…never mind, let’s think about something pleasant! Ah Taiwan…I have returned.

As the day progressed I was pleased to make better acquaintance with my fellow team members, eat the lovely Taiwanese breakfast, and listen to Karen play the guitar for our worship. I love this…

Wes led in morning devotions, and as he spoke on the Armor of God, I took special note of the third piece we are to put on: “And having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace…” My mind retuned to the scene before Luke and I flew out only hours before…my family gathered around us, praying for our journey. My Pastor; his hand on my shoulder asking God to bless and protect me and to make me effective for God…The HQ staff praying for the team that we might be as one vessel, a clear channel of God’s love. My many friends and family assuring me that Luke and I and the team are in their constant prayers…binding and rebuking Satan from any attack. And I realized, my feet were indeed shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. God has so blessed me with a supporting base of prayer warriors…my shoes are on, now walk.

If you are reading this journal I assume you have an interest in what is going on here in Taiwan and Hong Kong in the next month. Maybe you wish you were here, maybe your child is here, maybe a brother or a sister, maybe a friend. Whatever the case may be, you can play a huge role in what happens here. If you are reading this, I assume you care, and if you care I ask you to pray. Pray that we would be willing to surrender ourselves to the will of God, that we might be an example of His powerful love to the children and people of Taiwan. I am convinced God has each of us here for a reason, and I am just as convinced He has you there for a reason, reading this. Please take a moment, even now, to pray and ask God to bless us; to bless the work of our hands, to bless our bodies with health and strength, and to bless our minds and mouths with His thoughts and words. We can’t walk on mountains without good shoes.

Last night we took a walk through the city of Hsinchu—praying that God would work. Praying that God would show Himself strong this week. And I know He will, I know that with such preparation as we have, we will not only walk in our shoes, we will skip.

Thank you for your support and prayers. May God bless you for taking an interest in what is going on here in Tawian.

With Love,

Naomi Kallberg


Anonymous said...

I am/will be praying for you guys!
I wish I could be there with you!
I will definitely be keeping up with you guys! God bless!!!

Bethany Jacob said...

guess I'm the second bethany to comment - and I echo the first bethany! great post nomes, even though I wish I could be there I am praying for all of you.

still thinking said...

Thanks for this post Nomes!
The past few days have been real - and I'm sure the rest of the month will be as well. Looking forward to it! :)

still thinking said...

Thanks for this post Nomes!
The past few days have been real - and I'm sure the rest of the month will be as well. Looking forward to it! :)

Anonymous said...

I hear my brother is working with you, Naomi:)
Will be praying for you guys. Have fun and I'm sure you all will do a great job!

Anonymous said...

I'll be the 3rd Bethany...here's a hi from LA for Anna and Dave :) We're praying for all of y'all and look forward to hearing how God works in and through you!