Friday, February 1, 2013

Taipei CI - Day 4

This is story time with Alex.

Peter Chiang teaching on "Jehovah Shalom"
Light.  Terrible, terrible light.  I cracked my eyes open and looked at Stuart who lay on the next floor foamy over from me.  As customary, he informed me that the time was 8:40 and then proceeded to roll over and catch a few more minutes of that delicious resource known as sleep.  After preparing for the day in our storage room, Stuart and I sat down for a scrumptious morning meal of Dan Ping (egg pancakes).  At 10:00am, the whole C.I. group (interpreters, staffers, and students) headed for the Taiwan National University for our daily “Wisdom Search.” 

Peter Chiang delved into a discussion on Jehovah Shalom - "God is Peace," and it was a great reminder for me; just trusting in the Lord in all things, resting in His presence and not allowing the cares of this world to wear on me.   After the discussion on peace, the group walked to our lunch reservation.  We were served some dishes that seemed to be a blend between Indian and Asian food (which, if you didn’t know, is a potent mix).  Once finished with lunch, the group began preparing for that evening’s C.I.
Child listening to us sing during worship time

After we moved our materials from our first C.I. location to the replacement locale, we settled down for a small bit, and I unintentionally fell asleep on a wooden church pew. I realized, upon awaking to that terrible light…again, that the children were beginning to arrive and before too much longer I found myself teaching on El Roi, the "God Who Sees."  I felt like a parent at one point as I tried my best at discipline with a child who needs prayer for obedience and contented spirit. I was able to love on him but he would have none of it, and before I knew it his mother picked him up.  After the C.I., my roommates and I wound down by buying some instant noodles and a random assortment of crackers and truffles.  I finished off the day with some much needed prayer and wished the boys goodnight.

If you could pray for that small boy that I tried to talk to, that would be great.  Pray specifically that his parents would know exactly how to nurture in him a love for Jesus and that he would learn to respect the authorities placed in his life.   

Thank for reading!

Alex “Rothgaard” Roth     

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