Monday, February 4, 2013

Hualien CI - Day 1

At the breakfast table this morning, we laughed as I recalled my current roommate talking in her sleep last night.  One thing that sprang involuntarily from her mouth was “xie xie,” which means “thank you,” proving that both the Taiwanese culture and gratefulness are permeating each of our hearts.  The beginning of the last week here in Taiwan is indeed bittersweet.

Preparation for the new seminar was the focus of the team this afternoon.  Seminar textbooks and Children’s Institute supplies were distributed to their proper places.  The half of our team that will be working with children this week began prepping truth-filled lessons, cutting ribbons, and discussing the intricacies of the “Thumbody Special” craft.  We’re grateful that this group is setting out on Round Four of C.I. just as enthusiastically as they began Round One.  Pray that they have the energy to persevere!

Those of us working on the youth program prayed about which principles and testimonies to include in our sessions.  There is much excitement surrounding this opportunity to work with a group of boys.  Pray that God would sharpen and clarify the messages that are being prepared.

Because a few of us aren’t working with the C.I. team in the evening, and our help wasn’t needed in any other area, we decided to embark on a witnessing adventure in the city. As Jolynn, Becca, Kayla, and I set out to procure popcorn for a C.I. skit, we prayed that God would give us opportunities to share the gospel.  Jolynn faithfully translated as we made connections with and handed tracts to several shopkeepers.

After a stop into 7-11 for the popcorn, we spotted a woman closing up shop at her scallion pancake stand.  We had a really good 15-minute conversation with her as she washed dishes and packed up.  She was talkative and very interested in the gospel, but ended by saying that she prefers to stick with what she knows—Buddhism.  Please pray that God would reveal Himself to her and bring her to a point of decision.

Other highlights of the day included a discussion led by Tim on “El Olam”—our God of the Ages, quiet time by the gorgeous Hualien beach, a dinner of fish and noodles prepared for us by the awesome TESOL teachers, celebration of Micah’s birthday, coffee lovingly delivered to the C.I. team by Becca and Nick, and the reminder that “those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength.”

As the last week of our trip begins, we are echoing the prayer of Psalm 90:17.  “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.”  We realize today that we need Jesus just as much as the people we’re serving need Him.  Pray that our purpose for being here would remain at the front of our minds and that Christ would show His strength through our weakness.

Stephanie Hills

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