Thursday, January 12, 2012

God’s Masterwork?

The team is arriving on Sunday, and to celebrate the fact, I'm showing a sneak peek of this year's CI t-shirt.

This year, the theme of the CI is, "The Masterwork of God." We used this curriculum several years ago, and back then I chose the picture of Taiwan on the globe to show how God created the world, and acknowledge his creation of Taiwan in particular. This year, however, I really wanted to show how God's creation of this island, of this world, of this whole universe, is something intensely personal: something that was made for His masterwork, human kind. In this particular instance, especially the team that he has put together for this year. 

At first I worried if this was too audacious of a design. Is it presumptuous of me to claim that we are His masterwork, that this ministry trip is God's plan? 
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
I hope this t-shirt can be a reminder for our entire team of our purpose here, and the fact that God planned out this entire trip for us to be together to serve Him. 

Tim Chen

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