Saturday, February 5, 2011

From Hualien to Taipei

As I was brushing my teeth by the outside sink of the school in Hualien, looking at the fog covered mountain ridges and palm tree forests, I realized that today we would be leaving all this.

Hualien is very rural yet very beautiful. The kids on my team were more rowdy than my teams at Taipei and Kaohsiung but they are so loving. Some of my kids would run up and hug me then run away. They are so precious! Many of the kids on my team had never heard of Jesus. What a privilege it was for me to be able to share the gospel with them for (maybe) the first time!

The school felt empty without them, as our team packed and cleaned up I will miss my kids.

The bus ride back to Taipei was long and the scenery was beautiful. The road wound at times around the sides of the mountain so that on one side would be clifts with the ocean below and the other steep hillside. We got to go to the beach where the water aws a bright turquoise blue. It was a wonderful day for taking pictures.

Another CI was over and now there are only two more to go. Time sure does fly.

Elisa Joulfaian

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