Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Longest Day

Today was the longest day of CI that we have done this whole trip. We got to spend a full day with the children, most of them began to arrive at a little before 9:30 in the morning and we said our good byes at around 6:00 in the evening.

I remember getting the schedule for this week on Wednesday, the first day we began the CI in Hong Kong and thinking to myself, “Saturday is going to be such a very long day, I don’t think I have the energy or strength to even make it through this week and especially not Saturday.” But God once again showed Himself faithful, He gave us the strength that we needed for today. It was a blessing to see all the little things He did today.

After the CI, we went to a market and got to do some last minute shopping before most of us leave on Tuesday. We had a great time of trying out some different foods and bargaining for different merchandise. This one lady that was selling chop sticks saw that I was kind of interested in buying some. So she quoted me a price of 130 HKD. I told her that I wasn’t interested, so she said that she would give me a special for 110. I really didn’t like the chopsticks and I told her that I didn’t want to buy any; however, she thought that I was commenting on the high price. After multiple failed attempts to leave and getting dragged back in because of a lower price; the lady finally told me that I was handsome and she quoted me a price of 50 HKD. I felt kind of bad walking out on a descent deal like that, but the experience was totally funny.

This Hong Kong CI has been an amazing experience; seeing God work in the lives of these children and seeing them respond to us as we show them God’s love is something that I won’t forget for a long time. Please continue to pray for the team that we would all finish this trip strong.

Brian Iorga

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