Friday, February 6, 2009

Lessons Learned

“Don’t be afraid, I found you!” As Tim acted on stage as a shepherd, he said this to the lost sheep. At that moment, my eyes are bursting with tears. “You are found, my daughter.” Yes, I am found. And yes, we are all found!

The week before I came to CI is a difficult time for me, some problems form school started to show up to me in a painful way. It was too complicated that I even forgot how to worried, and too overwhelm that I even couldn’t feel the pain. Sometimes I cry at night, praying to God asking why this could happen.

In the days of CI, I tried to focus on the children and God. But still, sometimes sorrows would still come to me. As I tried to hide the feelings, the situation got even worse.

Today when me and Josie were preparing the lesson of Suffering for the little group, she told me the story about how a shepherd guide and teach the sheep to grow to love the shepherd more. She said this to me “God allows us to go through sufferings because He loves us.” He knows what is best for us, He loves us even more then we do. Even though it is hard to know why things happen like this in our life, as long as we remember that God is in control, we should no longer be afraid.

Jehovah Raah, God is our shepherd. He is not only a shepherd but a very good one. He loves us, and knows our deepest thought. When we are walking through the sorrows, Jesus carries us on His shoulder and walk through it with us.

Today, the teachers of CI are still coughing, and my problems are still unsolved yet. But after today’s lesson, we know, that God is guiding, and He know our needs. Just look up there and follow Him, that’s what a good sheep does.

When you feel your strength is running out, and lost; just call upon the name of the Lord, and you will be found.
“I found you, I found you.” He said.

Grace Lu
(Interpreter from Taiwan)


Anonymous said...

HEY Gracy,

Just wanted to let you know that You are very loved and really missed!!!

~Jessica F

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for writing that. i really needed to hear those words right now as i go through a intense period of suffering. it is sooooo hard i want to cry. but the good shepherd is watching out for me though... i am so grateful to him for his deep love and care.