Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Wonderful Day

Well, to start off this wonderful day. We stuffed ourselves on Friends Hotel's wonderful breakfast. Then, at 10 o'clock or sometime around there, we gathered in the business center for devotions. Luke started off devotions with a couple special music selections on his guitar, specially selected for Valentines day, of course. After which Karen did an awesome Valentine’s Day devotion.

We were joined today by a group of young people known as the 'Joshua Homeschoolers.' They are a group of homeschoolers who are pioneering homeschooling for Taiwan. So anyway, after devotions we went on a excursion into downtown Taipei to visit the Chang Kai Shek Memorial. We took pictures, walked through the museum, played catch with a football, and watched the changing of the guard. Watching the guard change was really neat, they do a small drill ceremony while switching and then the new guards stand perfectly still for a hour or two until they are replaced.

After spending a couple hours at the memorial, we went to a souvenir shop. It had a lot of neat little things and it was a lot of fun looking around and trying to decide what to get, but never fear, there was always half a dozen to a dozen people more than willing to part with they're opinion. That's what made it fun. It was really awesome getting to know the Joshua students. They were between 10 and 16 years old, and it was neat to talk to them and share with them about our common experiences with homeschooling. This afternoon was a blast!

Sometime around 5 o'clock we headed back to the hotel to get ready for the CI tonight. The CI is going awesome this week. I have two awesome assistants from Taiwan, Joy and Toby, they're so good, I am a very unnecessary member of the team. The kids here at Taipei are great too. It is awesome to see God working in the lives of these kids. One of the things I am learning this week is that I often underestimate what God want to do, consequently I often ask only for little favors when God really wants to do so much more. I am learning to visualize just how much He wants to do and to ask Him for the impossible.

Anyway, this has been an awesome Valentine day. It’s amazing to see how God is working in the lives of these kids. Thank you everyone for your prayers, You are making an awesome difference! Continue to pray that the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart would be acceptable and pleasing to the Lord.

Doug LaLone