Saturday, February 3, 2007

“Recklessly Abandoned”

These two words drifted through my mind as I tried to sleep last night. I had just read in “My Utmost for His Highest”, by Oswald Chambers, “Paul was not conscious of himself. He was recklessly abandoned, totally surrendered, and separated by God for the one purpose – to proclaim the gospel of God (see Romans 9:31).” This got me thinking, “How can I be recklessly abandoned to Christ? What does being recklessly abandoned look like?”

So far God has shown me that being recklessly abandoned means:

  1. It won’t always make sense to me or others. (Funny how God shows us truth and then quickly asks us to apply it, much to my flesh’s distress.)
  2. It means obeying God, even when I don’t understand and it’s hard.
  3. “I am not my own.”

As we taught our Responsibility Lesson tonight, that 3rd point became very clear. Each of the twelve children on my team and myself, who have given their lives to Christ, are not our own, but were bought with a price. We can’t let Satan shoot his “darts” and lies at us, we must stand strong in God’s strength and armor.

We also talked about the Helmet of Salvation tonight. The helmet is Christ who protects us from the power of sin. Because my mind is Christ’s, He gives me the power to keep it pure and “flying the flag” of righteousness.

Anna Lukachick


Anonymous said...

Hey Anna!! What an awesome post :o) You're such an encouragement to me...Love you! ~bethany~