As our time in Tainan draws to a close...
Our beautiful, sunny Friday morning started out with our wisdom search in John 10. Grace (Wang) asked us to look for what the chapter told us about Jesus and what it tole us about ourselves. With Jonathan as our scribe, we quickly made a long list of each. Verse ten especially caught my attention. "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Jesus is a giver. He did not come to earth for what He could get from us, but to give. He did so only because of His great love for us! How much we have to thank Him for. And this should make us ask ourselves, "Am I coming to do the CI because of what I an get out of it?" We probably don't think so, but I wonder how often are we actually looking more at what we can get out of it than what we can give to others through it.
Following our insightful wisdom search was a second delicious lunch at Quinton and Elmer's church. The church's hospitality not only filled our stomachs but also gave us the chance to see love in action and to enjoy the fellowship with others during the meal.The church's hospitality did not stop with the meal. After lunch they drove us all (in five vans) to visit three different historic-type places. I enjoyed them all, but my favorite was the second place we went called something like "The Tree House" place. Walking around in the area made me feel like I was in a rain-forest type jungle. The lush green trees growing in and around the old buildings combined with the cool breeze and quiet atmosphere made me want to sit down and rest there for while. It be a cool place to spend a day. Walking around and enjoying God's creation with other team members made my heart full of joy. The vine-like trees and walking bridges awoke in me a long-lost desire to "go wild", climb the wonderful trees, hang precariously on branches, vines and anything else I could hang on...and get dirty and tired. :) I did actually get tired, but I didn't let myself get all dirty. We were only there for 20 minutes anyway. I think we all were tired even before we started the evening's seminar session, but we thoroughly enjoyed our outing.
In spite of our exhaustion, we were able to make it through our last evening CI session without collapsing...though I did see several teachers dose off during large groups. The topic for the evening was Ownership/Contentment. A lot of the boys especially liked the story of Thunder---a baseball story with a great lesson on ownership and salvation. Brian, our guest story-teller held us all in suspense as he expounded on the ways in which to tell if a watermelon is good or not. The conclusion was that the only real way to know is to give it "the sword test" --- to cut it open. Likewise in our lives, the only way to really know what a person is like is by his fruit. After getting a little grossed out at what we found inside the ''mud melon'', the second watermelon was cut open. I was proud to have one of ''my boys'' picked to go up and taste the delicious fruit for the whole group.
This seminar our small group offered a prize to each child who could, before the end of the week, accurately quote our entire passage for the seek (Ps. 34:1-8) on his/her own. Most of our kids did so. Our youngest child, a six-year-old boy was so precious. Though he caused the most trouble for us (We sent him on three wisdom walks in that one evening!), he was also the one who would loudly and clearly belt out the verses and songs during large group. He cried when he left...not the way he would whine to get his way during the CI, but a genuine cry. He told his dad he didn't want to leave. And by the way, he and his sister were usually the first ones there and last ones to leave each night. I am so blessed to see the ways Father did work and I believe is still working in the lives of the eight children on our team (the largest team this CI). Though the Tainan CI is now over, I pray that the truths they heard would continue to take root in their tender hearts, and that they would each be fruitful branches for Him.
Thanks to everyone who is praying for our team! We would not be doing what we are if it weren't for your prayers.
And thank you Father for the ways you are working in our lives to make us more like You as we seek to share You with the precious children of Taiwan.
Grateful for you all.
Hannah Morrison