First day in Taiwan
Well the first day of the trip and for most of the American teachers it’s their first day in Taiwan. I am really excited to be back in Taiwan and ready to see the Lord do a great work.
Today thankfully we did not do any teaching just sight seeing and eating amazing Chinese food. We also got to go to a museum and see lots of China's very old stuff which looked really old. After having an amazing time and an extremely exciting time at the museum, we went on to more spiritual things.
One thing that we do on the trip, and is always at the beginning of it, is that we go on a prayer walk. And this prayer walk for me has always been different and has always set a mindset for me. It’s one of my favorite parts of the trip because God always shows me so much on that short prayer walk around the city. And this year was different from the other prayer walks for me because God did not tell me too much, He just simply wanted me to be still and know that He is God that He wanted me to love Him and to have a deeper relationship with Him.
And this was different for me because I thought I was going to be praying for Taiwan not for me, and I believe that God was showing me that I cannot love the world or Taiwan or anyone, I have to learn to love God first. I have to learn to love God with all my heart and soul and mind, then to love Taiwan and love the world will come naturally. It’s all about having a relationship with God, and then sharing it with the world.Keep us in your prayers.
David Lukachick
May the Lord bless you all for the wonderful work you are doing.
Hey, I miss all you guys! I'm going to try to come to Taichung for the week...Keep up the good work and DON'T GET SICK!!!! I'm praying for all of you!
-Laura Weaver :)
Nantou, Taiwan
I'm praying for all of you! Love you so much!!!
-Anna Lukachick
Hey man! Great post I really liked it!
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