Experiencing Hsinchu
HSINCHU is a city full of diversity and I think it’s a perfect place to spend a week as a group. Our hotel is beautiful and has a HUGE breakfast buffet, but there is only one little iron on the 3rd floor with no ironing board. We don’t have the freedom to take it to our room so we iron on a small square table! It’s rather frustrating. Some days it’s been warm and sunny and others it’s been cold and extremely windy! It’s been fun walking the roads which are full of cars, mopeds and pedestrians. Our large group only adds to the confusion and vendors stop their work and watch us pass by.We have a wonderful group of teachers for the CI’s. Wes and I have been blessed to see how quickly the interpreters from Taiwan and the young people from the U.S. have meshed and are equally interested in each other’s lifestyles and cultures. Our bond is Jesus Christ and a love for the work God has called us into: the children of Taiwan.
My favorite time of each day this week has been our “Large Groups” in the evenings of the seminar. We fill up the room with bouncy, adorable children. They have been learning songs in their own language and go wild when they get to sing, “The Balloon Song” because they get to pop their “balloon” at the end of the song! I love watching their facial expressions as they get involved with what’s going on up on stage.
We have two days left here and Saturday is an all-day seminar day for us. Please join us in prayer as we ask God to bring these precious families closer together with one another and pray for His Truth to penetrate and change lives. Pray for a clear understanding between teacher and interpreter as they work together in sharing God’s love to the children. I’m off to find roasted corn-on-a-stick and a cup of milk tea,
Juliana Dudley
Junes! I miss you! You guys look like you're having a ton of fun! Wish I could be there, and I'm praying for all you guys!
Juna, how fun to see a post from U! We miss you guys and are praying for you. Love you bunches, Mom & Dad D
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